– new works
– ongoing aesthetic enquiries
– past probes

Tick Boxes


Heavy rain storms are noticeably a more common occurrence within the UK, one of many climatical reminders of man’s destruction. Amongst the dwelling sadness lush sonic landscape, the patter emerges. Un-rhythmic, un-controlled, chaotic, poetical beat of non-linear time, no fixed start, no fixed finish.
Pockets of bluebell woods dwell near my local here in Essex, one particular wood draws my attention. The vast majority of the UK landscape has been shaped and managed by our species – Toppinghoe Hall Wood – hall of mirrors, stark ordered arbre corridors commune with the chaotic, carpeted by a plateau of vibrant romantic bluebells.


Tim Skinner, 2022

When The Geese Said Hello, The Cuckoo Said Goodbye




Where Was I?
So it occurred in the morning, on the morning of the harvest moon,


Hmm, yes, September.
Well moments after waking, I heard the first cry of geese,
you know, that rhythmic honking squark.

Always special,

Then soon after (talking a couple of minutes),
the unique vocal call of (what would be) the last cuckoo, leaving for sunnier climbs.

When The Geese Said Hello, The Cuckoo Said Goodbye

Tim Skinner, 2021